Appointments M-T: 7-5 |
8300 Alcott St Suite 200 Westminster 80031

Please help support our mission and cause by making a donation today!

In order to keep our medical care costs low for our patients, we rely on financial support through various resources!

Individual donations provide assistance directly to our patients! While any personal donation is greatly appreciated, here are what donations are used for.


Covers the cost of one office visit.


Covers the cost of a Well Woman exam, including an annual pap smear, a clinical breast exam and relevant lab tests.


Provides five Well Child visits.


Provides complete OB care for two pregnant moms and their babies.

Clinica Colorado is currently partnering with the American Cancer Society CEOs Against Cancer Colorado Chapter to increase access to colorectal cancer screening in the state. We know that cancer affects everyone, but not equally. Together we will bring health equity to the forefront of healthcare for underserved communities and decrease the disparities in care!