Appointments M-T: 7-5 |
8300 Alcott St Suite 200 Westminster 80031


Clinica Colorado joined the Colorado safety net community in 2011 with the purpose of providing a medical home for the underserved, especially uninsured Spanish speaking families.  Clinica Colorado’s founder, Dr. Jim Williams, understood that there was a clear need to increase capacity to care for a very large population of insufficiently insured people, estimated at that time to be 1.3 million by the Colorado Health Institute.


Even today, years after the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, thousands of Coloradoans are uninsured.  There are many reasons that individuals and families are not covered by health insurance and that is who we serve.  Since our opening, we have provided more than 50,000 patient visits.


We greatly appreciate your support of our mission!

Mission Statement

To provide equitable primary health care and resources to those with limited access across Colorado.

Our Vision

To improve people’s lives by having affordable, quality health care accessible to all.

Our Core Values

Compassion for all patients and family members.

Availability of services within a reasonable time frame.

Provision of high quality health care.

Provide health care for the whole person, not just an illness.

Financial Information

Clinica Colorado is an IRS designated 501(c)3 public charitable organization. Our FEIN is #27-3794068.